At last I managed to get the time to get out for some early morning photography. I must admit though I could quite easily have turned over when the alarm went off. But how pleased I was when it was such a beautiful crisp morning. The following images where taken before and during sunrise in Newcastle. I hope you enjoy looking at them.
Dont forget to leave a comment.
The first image of the morning. I liked this viewpoint and the light was becoming quite interesting although a bit of a challenge to get a balance bewtween th ambient light and street lights. I knew that the slow shutter speeds would create light trails giving life to the scene.
Looking across the Tyne Bridge to Newcastle. A slow shutter speed helping to create movement from the bus passing on the right hand side. The pre-dawn light balanced against the street lights
Morning has broken. The sun rising over the Sage. This viewpoint providing a mix of architecture from the old chimney pots to the more modern Sage and Blinking Eye bridge.
Happy New Year - My first Post of 2012
I hope you all has a fanatastic Christmas and enjoyed celebrating seeing in the New Year. I, like alot of people I have spoken to have said, how quickly the last year has gone. The strange thing is yes it appears to have gone really quickly but in reality it just can't. I can always remember my wonderful Man and Dad, bless them, saying the same thing when I was a young lad, - yes I was young once.
For me it has gone quick and I think thats because I threw myself into my work and always had something creative to work on for my personal collection, or a wedding to capture, or a tuition.
Since my last posting I have completed a winter wedding of a lovely couple Heather and David. The service was held at St. Bedes in Sacriston followed by the reception at the Baltic on Gateshead Quayside. The whole day was wonderful and went without a hitch.....well I say without a hitch, I got a parking ticket for not displaying a ticket. I had actually purchased the ticket but in a state of excitement - when I spotted the Bride and Groom arriving at the reception - I forgot to display it. I did appeal against it but the lovely people of Gateshead Council were having none of it.......thanks guys for your festive cheer and good will to all men bah humbug.
Anyway, onto the day itself. The day started at Heather's mum and dads house. I was amazed how calm everyone one was. I was made to feel most welcome and enjoyed catching the early preparations of the day.
Then it was off to the church a mere 3 mins away, if that. It was clear on arriving at the church that the potential for doing alot of outdoorsy shoots weren't looking too good because of the very cold wind and the potental of rain, the last thing anyone wants is to hang around in the cold and rain waiting for your truly to take a few pictures. However, the boys were brave and we managed a few shots outdoors.
The service was conducted by a friend of Heather and David's and it was full of love and fun.
The reception was held at the Baltic Centre for Arts on the Gateshead side of the river Tyne. Hats off to Heather and David for braving the cold for soem great shots outside.
The day finished with some great speeches and the first dance was from a Beetles tribute band.
All in all a wonderful day....(apart from my parking ticket.....grumble grunble).
I would also like to give a mention to Lillian Pargeter. Lillian has been receiving photography tuition from me for a while now - and has produced some wonderful images (some of which she has printed onto canvas in her house). Lillian is so dedicated and always looked forward to getting out and about taking photographs either with me or, when out with her husband Dave. She also has a temporary home studio where she loves your enthusisam Lillian. However, Lillian has been unable to get out for a while and I just wanted to say that I look forward to getting out with you soon and wish you a very speedy recovery.
A mention also to Sandra Case. Sandra, who like Lillian has been having regular lessons and I think (fair to say) that her photography has improved immensly. Sandra drags her husband Taff around when she does her photography (just to carry her ever increasing camera kit lol). Keep up the great work Sandra. Here are two of her latest images from Warkworth Castle and along Hadrians Wall that Sandra has sent me recently.
Ok thats it for the moment. Back to processing more work. Hoping to get out and about myself soon its been a while with the wedding business as well.....but Im not complaining. Keep snapping!!.