Monday, 30 May 2011

30 May 2011


As well as being absorbed with landscapes I also enjoy other styles of photography including portraiture, they say never work with children and animals. I must admit in agreeing with that phrase, however, when it comes together its nothing but a joy. Below are a couple of examples from the session, I hope you enjoy them.

Anyway enough of my stuff for the minute (I will be back) so dont stray too far away.
The workshops are going great, it is a pleasure to work with individuals who are so motivated and enthusiastic. Furthermore it gives me such a buzz to see people making progress and develop their skills or learn a new technique and, start producing work which they are happy with, I also aim to share some of their images in this blog.
The image below was taken by one of my  Lillian. A stunning image of the river Tyne with some of the iconic bridges that span Gateshead and Newcastle taken during a workshop which concentrated on working at low light. I was delighted when Lillian had this image produced on canvas. The print looks amazing on the wall in one of her rooms - which she has now converted in a mini photography studio. Lillian has come a long way in a relatively short period of time since we started the workshops and without a doubt her endless enthusisam and persistence is now helping to produce excellent results.

Lillian has proved that she has a great eye for photography and recently produced a great slide show of her latest images taken on a recent trip to Norfolk. Below are a selection of images that I am proud to share in this blog. If you (sorry WHEN) you read this Lillian I want to re-inforce the point that I am really proud of your progress.

When I have a bit more time I intend to add descriptions etc to the images.
Time for a brew and to catch up on other stuff, more to come for sure so keep your eyes peeled.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

25th May 2011

Welcome to my first blog post.

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Thought it was about time I caught up and wrote a blog - my aim is to do one each month, hopefully I may be too busy and not have the time, one can always wish.
Funny after all this time of wanting to do a blog Im not entirely sure where to begin as there is so much to say.
The last few months have been quite busy with lots of workshops, getting new material, having a feature on Landscape photography featured in June's edition of Photography Monthly to name but a few things.
Three images featured in the Photography monthly magazine